Factors affecting your cibil score 1. Credit history : It is most important factor. Lenders watch it and assumes it that you are a very old or not old customer, it makes more believe on you if you are older in taking credits and making time to time repayment. 2. Credit utilisation: credit utilization means utilisation of credit limit which you can get. If you use full credit limit, it impact negatively on your creditworthiness. If you use less credit then your creditworthiness will be increased as you are not credit hungry. 3. Credit type: if your credit is secured then your credit score will increase with high speed, if your loan is unsecured than your credit score will increase slowly. 4. Payment consistency: if you are making your payment on time, then there is no problem with your credit score, everything will be ...
G pay , PhonePe, Paytm and Other UPI Gpay app India : Earlier Its name was android pay, now it is google pay account. It is operated by google. This app Provide us a digital platform for payment in digital india. It can be used in mobiles, tablets and watches also. Althow it is made for android but indain users and united states citizens can use it in iOS devices also. Google pay is providing us facility of UPI, google wallet, Android Pay by using chrome autofill feature. Now facility to merchant also provided by Gpay. If You are facing in setting in mobile then you can search it in YouTube and can find your answer. Phone Pe : It is also a digtal payment service provider with finance system. Customer should login in it to drive its facility. It is available in 11 indian languages. Using phone pe all types of recharges can be done also all type of utility bill can be paid. Phone pe is subsidiary company of flipkart, and flipkart is subsidiary company of wallmart. Paytm :...
H10N3 INFLUENZA STRAIN OF BIRD FLU VIRUS SYMPTOMS FROM CHINA WIKIPEDIA H10N3meaning it is a strain of bird flu virus which was transferred into human due to mutation reported by china in a 41 year old person. Human who works in birds poultry farm, they are in so much risk because there is not so much chance to transfer bird flu into humans. At present transfer to human have very little chance. The health commission of china has said that this patient was admitted in April mid and confirmed as bird flu patient in May last. At present this is only a rare case, as per NHC there is not other case in this world. This virus is not very common. So this is not so dangerous like covid 19 corona virus. Since 1997 only not more than bird flu deaths are reported. HN10N3 BIRD FLU SYMPTOMS : since case is only one so there are not so sure symptoms, but we may assume them like head ache, joint pain, sore throat, cough fever. HN10N3 BIRD FLU IS DANGEROUS As far as this matter co...
Covid-19 कोरोना नामक महामारी आज पूरे विश्व में फैली हुई है | इस महामारी से पूरे विश्व के सभी राष्ट्र जूझ रहे हैं | यह महामारी पूरे विश्व में अपने पैर पसार चुकी है | 2019 में चीन देश के वुहानशहर में सर्वप्रथम महिला के शरीर में इस वायरस का पता लगा था | धीरे - धीरे संपूर्ण राष्ट्र में तीव्र गति से फैल गई | यह वायरस एक दूसरे के संपर्क में व वायु के कारण फैलता है | COVID 19 SYMPTOMS कोरोना वायरस का मनुष्य के शरीर में फेफड़ों पर अधिक प्रभाव पड़ता है जिससे फेफड़े संक्रमित हो जाते हैं व सांस लेने में परेशानी होती है | वर्तमान में इस बीमारी को चलते हुए 2 वर्ष हो गए हैं लेकिन इस बीमारी का अभी तक पूर्ण इलाज नहीं आया है वह इसके संक्रमण को रोकने के लिए कुछ राहत दवाइयां को प्रयोग में ले रहे हैं | COVID 19 TREATMENT इस बीमारी से मनुष्य की दैनिक क्रियाओ को काफी क्षति पहुंची है | इस वायरस के बचाव हेतु मास्क , सेनेटाइजर , व ...
In India, current prime minister PM Narendra Modi is very popular prime minister across historical prime ministers.Today it is trending on twitter website. Many people believes on prime minster modi, they are saying Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai. But many people hates him also. There are two faces of coin everywhere, so there is favour and opposition of every political person. On social media platform Twitter, there is opposite slogan also like #Modi_Nahi_Kisan_Jitega . It says modi nhi kisan jeetega means modi will lose next election and party who is favoring farmers will win obviously Today it is trending topic that #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai. Hindustan times, a famous new paper is saying :" we defeated covid without vacines": PM Modi tells CM on way forward. it is also using #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai. modi hai toh mumkin hai, modi hai to mumkin hai meme, modi hai to mumkin hai twitter, modi hai to mumkin hai gif, modi hai to mumkin hai status, mumkin hai meaning in english, mu...
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